Sunday, December 27, 2015

Differnce Between Article Post and Blog Post ?

How should publish articles and blog posts?

Your goals for content marketing will determine the number of articles and blog posts you publish on a weekly or monthly basis. In some cases, a couple blog posts a week with two to three articles per month may be sufficient for your online strategy. Others will post daily blogs and more frequent articles.

It ultimately will depend on your marketing goals, availability of relevant content, and the time and expense you wish to commit to publishing content.

 Continuing with the blogs and articles are different, if you include both types on your site it allows you to target a range of readers. Articles provide you the opportunity to target readers looking for more complete and detailed information. Blogs are more shareable and may suit the needs of casual visitors. A blog post might even be a jumping-off point to more a detailed article, and an article might link to blog posts that can provide ancillary or supporting information. They offer opportunities for internal linking to other articles and blogs, as well as to your main pages.
Whether you decide to distinguish between articles and blogs or use the terms synonymously is up to you. Above all, your website should include valuable, well-organized content that helps readers fulfill their needs and accomplish their goals. Your target audience and the type of website you’re building or maintaining will dictate the type of content you create and share.